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Nonprofit applications for GiveCamp NWA open July 7! (Major changes coming!)

Here is our press release that goes out today for GiveCamp NWA. Notice we have lots of changes coming for GiveCamp NWA because of COVID-19.


July 6, 2020

GiveCamp NWA plans virtual event

Nonprofit applications open July 7 to Aug 7

NORTHWEST ARKANSAS— Nonprofit organizations serving Northwest Arkansas have an opportunity to receive a free website from a fellow local nonprofit. GiveCamp NWA is opening applications Tuesday, July 7, for nonprofits to apply for GiveCamp, which will be held October 2-4.

GiveCamp is an annual event where volunteers from the creative and technology industries come together to provide free technology tools for local nonprofit organizations. This year’s GiveCamp will look different in several ways, organizers confirmed.

“With current restrictions due to COVID-19, we knew that even if Arkansas numbers improve, a traditional event would not be feasible or wise,” said Chris Whittle, GiveCamp NWA board chair. “We are asking people to be flexible with us as we plan something that could be in a constant state of change. This year’s event will not look like normal GiveCamp.”

The organizer team developed the new plan after seeking input via survey from past participants and the nonprofit community.

The most obvious major change will be the location. For more than five years, all 65-90 participants have gathered at the same location in Rogers for the three-day event. This year’s event is being planned as an all-remote event with the possibility of some in-person, socially distanced interaction if conditions improve.

There will also be fewer teams than in the past to make the event more manageable. The average GiveCamp hosts 12 nonprofits and this year, the limit will be capped at six to eight nonprofits, depending on the scope of the project.

“Even though we are limiting our numbers for this event, we encourage all qualifying nonprofits to still apply. We hope to have opportunities for what we are calling “mini-GiveCamps” in the future and we can return to those projects that are not approved for the October event as potential candidates,” said Jamie Smith, board member.

A third major change is that this year’s GiveCamp will be limited to website projects, which has been the organization’s hallmark project type in years’ past. In recent years, there has been a push to offer a wider range of potential projects but with this year’s limitations, organizers agreed that staying focused on well-known niche was best.

Another change is that the lead organizing team is growing to five people. Kelsey Lavigne and Cynthia Maggard, both long-time volunteers, joined the organization team shortly after last year’s event.

“After years of hearing about the event and its origins, it’s exciting to be part of the organization year-round, and help put the nuts and bolts into place,” Maggard said. “As we plan out our strategy, and try to figure out what the 2020 event looks like, we remain focused on the non-profits we serve, as well as providing our volunteers a safe way to contribute to a cause they return to, year after year.”

Information about qualifications, requirements and the application process for both nonprofits and volunteers is available at givecampnwa.org. Applications are also available on the website. Nonprofit applications will be open July 7-August 7. Volunteer applications will open mid-August once organizers can gauge the specific needs.

About GiveCamp NWA

GiveCamp NWA is both a 501c3 nonprofit organization and an annual event of the same name. The mission is empowering nonprofits to be both more effective and efficient through technology. As an organization, GiveCamp NWA has been serving Northwest Arkansas for more than a decade. GiveCamp formed its 501c3 in 2018 and is working to grow the organization’s impact through partnering with various other organizations and individuals.

For more info

Jamie Smith


