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Gold Sponsor: SupplyPike

blog submitted by SupplyPike

SupplyPike is joining forces with GiveCamp NWA by becoming a Gold sponsor this year! The SaaS company has been involved with GiveCamp for the past four years and is excited to keep up the tradition. 

SupplyPike is a software-as-a-service company servicing Walmart and other retail suppliers, helping them manage invoice deductions, giving them complete visibility into their supply chain, and providing actionable insights into their retail data.

Located in Fayetteville, SupplyPike is dedicated to the Northwest Arkansas community. In April 2020, SupplyPike provided a week’s worth of lunch from Stone Mill Bread Company to frontline employees at Washington Regional Medical Center. The company also put on a gala benefiting Open Avenues at the Walton Arts Center and raised $4,000.

During the height of the pandemic, Community Blood Center of the Ozarks put out the call for blood donors and SupplyPike answered. The company participated in a Blood Boosters week at CBCO to help increase donations. SupplyPike encouraged its employees, their friends and families, and the Walmart supplier community to donate. CBCO received 28 donations and SupplyPike plans on another event in September 2021.

SupplyPike has sponsored GiveCamp NWA three years in a row, providing meals and swag. SupplyPike employees, from software engineers to graphic designers to writers, have volunteered each year since 2017.

“GiveCamp NWA is both a fun and educational experience,” says Sara White, the content coordinator for SupplyPike, who has volunteered for multiple GiveCamp events in multiple roles. “GiveCamp immerses you in a project that you know will help out people in the community directly. It lets you learn about different aspects of nonprofits and building websites, too. It’s also a great networking opportunity.”

The company enjoys GiveCamp NWA as a way to help not one but many deserving nonprofit organizations at once. SupplyPike volunteers have helped GiveCamp build websites and technology for at least a dozen nonprofits.

“GiveCamp gives anyone with a free weekend the chance to meet good people and support great causes, all while showing and growing their skills in a forum of like-minded peers,” says Jonathan Ulrich, a software engineer at SupplyPike and GiveCamp volunteer. “Whether you can plan, code, socialize, or just show up, I recommend it to everyone who wants a convenient way to help those around them.”

SupplyPike is excited to join forces again with GiveCamp. This year may look a little different, but the spirit of giving is the same!